Each patient of the practice has rights as well as responsibilites that they must adhere to.
- Patients must endeavour to keep appointments, if you cannot attend please contact the practice as soon as possible to cancel, enabling another patient to avail of the appointment.
- Patients will be treated courteously by the practice staff at all times and the practice staff will expect the same courtesy be afforded to them.
- The doctors/Practice nurses will try to see patients on time but due to the nature of the service we provide this may not always be possible and we request that patients accept this and be patient.
- Our reception staff have a busy and demanding role, please be courteous at all times.
- The practice has a zero tolerance policy towards abusive language and violence within the practice and patients in breach of this will be removed from the practice list. More information can be obtained from the ‘Zero Tolerance’ section of this website.
- Patients have every right to access a copy of their medical records; however you may have to pay a fee in order to cover the cost of creating a copy of the notes. We ask for at least 40days notice when requesting a copy of your notes to allow the staff time to complete the task. If you have any queries please ask a member of the reception team for more information.