Clinics & Services
Child Health/Immunisation 
These can be carried out during any surgery. Your child may become irritable and slightly feverish in the 24 hours after the injection. If this happens, give your child infant paracetamol, such as Calpol or Disprol, dosage according to their age, to lower their temperature.
Please contact reception to make an appointment for the vaccinations.
Breast Examinations
It is a good idea for all women to examine their breasts regularly for lumps. If you are not sure how to do this, the doctor will be happy to advise. If you should notice any lumps in your breasts, please see the doctor. Most lumps are not serious, but it is important to have any possible abnormality checked.
Cervical Smear Test
Cancer of the cervix can be prevented therefore all female patients between the ages of 25 and 65 are advised to have regular smear tests.
- women between the ages of 25-49 are invited for cervical screening every three years
- women between the ages of 50-64 are invited for cervical screening every five years
These are important because they can detect early signs of the disease, which would then be easily treated. We operate a call and recall system to remind you about the tests, which are carried out during special surgeries within the practice, a nurse visits the surgery on a monthly basis from the family planning clinic in Omagh to carry out a Smear Clinic.
You can click on the link below which will take you to a video that shows women what to expect when they attend for cervical screening
We can give a comprehensive service within normal surgery hours. All patients receiving contraceptive services are advised to have an annual check-up. We are able to offer fitting and removal of implant contraceptives, please speak to the doctor or nurse for further information. Click here for information about other sexual health clinics
Influenza Vaccinations 
From September onwards we offer flu vaccine to our patients. It is strongly recommended for patients over the age of 65, and those classified as high risk patients, e.g. those with a heart or chest condition, those who suffer from diabetes, and those whose immune system is compromised for another reason, such as chemotherapy. Please ask receptionist staff for more details and to find out if your are eligible.
Men ACWY Vaccination
Young teenagers, sixth formers and 'fresher' students going to university for the first time are now routinely offered a vaccination to prevent meningitis W disease. The Men ACWY vaccine protects against four different causes of meningitis and septicaemia – meningococcal (Men) A, C, W and Y diseases.
Students going to university or college for the first time as freshers, including overseas and mature students up to the age of 25, should contact their GP to have the Men ACWY vaccine, ideally before the start of the academic year.